

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, disability, dating, love and life! Hope you have a nice stay!

"Living Well Is The Best Revenge"

"Living Well Is The Best Revenge"

“Living Well Is The Best Revenge”

attributed to George Herbert who was a popular 17th century poet.

At 55, I have weathered enough storms to know that none of us make it to mid life without earning a significant battle scar or two. In my own case, I have had considerable serious health crises, the usual losses of friends and family, heartbreak and disappointment.

Specifically, there are two events in my past which have lead to my embracing living life going forward with George Herbert’s quote as my motto.

Becoming disabled at 35 from a stroke was a spectacularly severe life crisis. Having survived it against the odds made me want to embrace living my life to its absolute fullest. I am not just surviving, I am living. Even if I must adapt my activities because of my movement disorder, I am determined to exact revenge on the disability by traveling, enjoying my sex life and riding horses regularly. So there.

When my husband decided he was not going to be committed to making our marriage work until death and insisted we separate, I was heartbroken to say the least. Rather than crumble and wallow in it, I keep moving forward. Seeking revenge against my husband is not my sole motivation to live well as a woman on her own. Yet, it is sometimes sweet to charge my beautiful lifestyle expenses to my husband.

The Kids Are All Right??

The Kids Are All Right??

It Was Kind of Embarrassing

It Was Kind of Embarrassing