

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, disability, dating, love and life! Hope you have a nice stay!

Dream Big


I have one of those corny home decor signs hanging in my laundry room that reads, “Dream Big, Miracles Happen Every Day to Those Who Pay Attention.” Sit with that statement for a minute. I look at this reminder every day.

Some days we have to look hard for the miracles, but they are always there. By the minute. We can go through the day on auto pilot, and not appreciate the wonder of getting out of bed to face the day. Standing, walking, moving from place to place are all miraculous. Being able to drive a car takes tremendous coordination of our cognitive, visual and motor skills.

I try to stay on alert for miracles throughout the day, rather than take every minute for granted. Life itself is a miracle. It is helpful for me that I was once on the brink of death, in the ER with my pupils fixed and dilated, but then I had a miraculous surgery to stop the bleeding in my brain which saved my life and that of my unborn child. Trying not to sound trite, but every day that I have woken up and gotten around the world since that day are miraculous gifts.

If you pay attention, you can easily spot miracles as you drive. Look at the sky and you are likely to see a flock of birds flying in formation. You will see sunrises and sunsets that should take your breath away for their beauty.

It becomes easy to fall in to complaining every day as there are always hurdles and struggles to get through. But look hard while you go through them, and miracles abound. You will see them. Live your life in awe and wonder.

Not This Time

Not This Time

Lured Into His Basement

Lured Into His Basement