

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, disability, dating, love and life! Hope you have a nice stay!

All Of The Minutes That We Are Alive

All Of The Minutes That We Are Alive


At first, we were singing. On the same page. The same song. In the lake. Naked. Ok, that wasn’t necessary, I admit, but I threw it in for effect. Singing songs about water and the Jersey Shore. As we sang, I decided to write this:

Sing While You Swim
I may have invented a new way to increase your brain’s engagement while you exercise. I find that if I sing while being…medium.com

I told Rex of my plan to write about our singing swim. He started to bastardize the lyrics to what we were singing to comedic effect. I had to drop out of singing along because I couldn’t follow. He told me “I’m just trying to give you more ideas to write about.” My natural, authentic response was, “We are given ideas every minute that we’re alive.” 

If we can stay present in each moment, there are gifts presented to us. Pay. Attention.




Sing While You Swim

Sing While You Swim