

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, disability, dating, love and life! Hope you have a nice stay!

Weeks Without Horses

Weeks Without Horses

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” — Winston Churchill

It is after Labor Day and my horseback riding lesson was cancelled due to a heat advisory today. If that quote from Winston Churchill is true, and I believe that it is, then I think the reverse is true, as well. That is, there is something about weeks without horses that is bad for the inside of a man (in my case a woman).

I ride once a week in an adaptive riding program for individuals with physical, emotional and psychological challenges. I am physically challenged due to a stroke. I would love to ride more often, but the adaptive nature of my lessons make it necessary to rely on a team of volunteers and instructors so there is limited availabilty.

I love riding so much because it is one of the few forms of vigorous exercise available to me. It is a flow state activity; one where I am not able to think about anything except staying on the horse and interacting with it. The farm and its surroundings are in a beautiful, bucolic setting. It’s a great way for me to enjoy being outdoors. I go in the barn after my lesson and give the horses treats, talk to them, and take their pictures. It is absolutely therapeutic.

I have missed a few lessons over the summer because of weather cancellations and medical reasons. The annual horse show is coming up on September 23rd. These weeks without horses make me grumpy and out of sorts.

I Won Ribbons At The Horse Show Even After Ugly Family Drama

I Won Ribbons At The Horse Show Even After Ugly Family Drama

The Scars From Emotional Abuse

The Scars From Emotional Abuse