

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, disability, dating, love and life! Hope you have a nice stay!

You And I Collide

You And I Collide


The genesis for this story is not original. I have recently read a few blogs\stories here and elsewhere referring to the experience of dating as colliding with people. Howie Day wrote a popular song called “Collide” about a love affair. I love this idea as a point of view.

However dates come about is not relevant. Dating itself is simply a collision occurring between two unique individuals. They each bring their own luggage and share as much or as little as they see fit. This sharing part is usually what we think is fun and hope will lead to more meaningful interaction down the road.

True to the definition of the word “collision”, the dating type can result in fatal injuries, where one is so hurt he becomes depressed and commits suicide. We can also simply walk away with various degrees of burns. We have all been burned if we have dated. Sometimes we are haunted by memories of collisions. The term “ghosted” rings true when we feel haunted by a series of collisions with someone, and they suddenly disappear. Oddly, we often hope that a single collision will lead to more. If we are lucky, a series of collisions with the same person may lead to a scene where our bodies truly, physically “collide”. This can add a degree of danger. Then there are occasions where we walk away from a collision unscathed.

I’ve been burned, ghosted, physically collided with people and bear a few scars. Yet, I’m still driving around looking for my next collision.

It Doesn't Cost Anything

It Doesn't Cost Anything

